2019 has been a rough year for our family. It has taken its toll and there are some days that we run on survival mode.

Little things can be lost in the day to day when all everything seems to flow together.
Everyone in the car, everyone out of the car.
Counting three little blond heads everywhere we go like a lifeguard on duty.

Every night mom guilt sneaks in when I least expect it.

Did I tell them I loved them enough today?
Was I patient enough?
Was I too passive and let them get away with too much?
Did I let them know that I feel so lucky to be their mom?

These are the thoughts that keep me up every night that we are in survival mode. It can be difficult to see the progress being made when it is right in front of you.

Yet this morning, while cleaning out Blake’s backpack, I found this little gem.❤️

I may not have all the answers to the questions that keep me up at night. I may feel like I lose my shit one too many times or let them get away with murder. I swear too much and let my children have too much screen time.

And on the other hand…

My kids are healthy and safe. They know that they are loved and at the end of the day that is the only thing that matters. I may not know if I am doing the right thing the majority of the time, but I know I did do one thing perfectly right. I loved the crap out of my little wild ones and let them know it. And for today, that is enough for me.