
I could post some type of vague and inspirational quote, my Pinterest boards are overflowing with them due to my desire of changing my pessimistic personality towards something resembling a more positive nature.

My love affair with memes, GIFs and emojis could also play a part in my wanting to construe some type of depth without having the time or energy to actually use the English language.

I could hide behind a variety of excuses and try to convince the people of internet that I had a valid reason for posting a selfie.

Or I could rush right into it with a 100% blatant honesty.

I spend 14 hours a day being everything to the little humans that I have created. Chef, maid, chaueffer, referree, event coordinator, nurse and the teller of some pretty epic bed time stories. I am both a human blankie as well as a walking human Kleenex. Being everything to tiny humans is extremely draining. Physically, emotionally and mentally. All sorts of sex appeal feels lost when you are catching vomit or find dried oatmeal in your hair. Three very busy children have left me in survival mode. Most days I wear no make up. I can rock a ponytail like nobody’s business. My style could be described as SAHM sheek. 😂 On a day where I am feeling particularly fancy: Three button jeans that attempt to conceal the kangaroo pouch that having my little ones has passed down to me. Loose T shirt with easy access for breastfeeding. I live in my Teva’s. If we have nowhere to go on the agenda, then I am usually found barefoot, in leggings and a nursing tank top. I survive on caffeine. Copious amounts of it as of late. Dry shampoo is considered part my of beauty routine most days.

A while back, I had someone who was close to me poke fun at the fact that I post selfies. Thinly concealed insults thrown around with a sprinkling of faux concern and love. For a long time these comments had worked their way under my skin. They had nit picked at my long forgotten middle school insecuritues that I had thought to have outgrown. So I stopped taking pictures of myself. I filled my time taking pictures of my little humans and found a new reason every time I took a photo with them as to why not to post it. Until finally I grew tired of the nasty little voice in my head informing me everything that looked wrong in said picture.

I posted this picture for the only reason that makes any type of sense. I look damn good. I felt incredibly sexy that night. Why shouldn’t that reason alone be enough? Instead of condemning women for posting a selfie why not celebrate the fact that they had the guts to do so in the first place? Why not shout “Yasss Queen” 🙌 when we see someone who has the courage to show the world who they are?

So here is my challenge to you: Take a selfie that makes you feel fantastic. Challenge unrealistic standards of beauty set forth by our society and realize that you are gorgeous just the way you are. If putting on make up and getting dressed up makes you feel great, then do that. If being barefoot with a ponytail and no makeup make you feel wonderful then take the picture. Be as supportive to other women posting a selfie as a drunk girl in a bathroom would. Post that selfie that has been hanging out in your gallery for way too long. Tell that nasty insecure voice to take a hike. You do you girl. I’ll be here cheering you on. 😘👑